For this installment of my column for EuroCosmetics magazine, I interviewed experts from Ten Bio Ltd, Skin Clinical Research Consultants, MyMicrobiome, and ingredient maker Cambrium to learn about the latest in safety and efficacy testing.

New ingredient technologies, new product claims, tech innovations, and marketplace trends all help to push cosmetics and personal care testing forward. What was once a project to safeguard consumers has progressed to not only consider safety but to also assess beauty ingredient and product efficacy.
“Historically, the level of scientific rigor typically pursued before a product was put to market mainly focused on safety, rather than efficacy,” affirms Robyn Hickerson, Founder and CEO of Ten Bio Ltd, a Scotland-based research company specializing in human skin models for ex-vivo product testing. “We have been pleased,” she tells me, “to see that this approach is shifting towards robust preclinical and clinical testing to substantiate claims.”
“This has been driven,” she says, “by both the brands aiming to differentiate themselves in the market, but equally by more-informed consumers with the desire to better understand the products they use....
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