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Join date: Feb 23, 2020


Deanna Utroske is one of the most well-respected critical thinkers in the cosmetics and personal care industry today. She serves our industry as a public speaker, B2B media editor, and consultant. Deanna writes the Global Perspectives column for EuroCosmetics magazine covering product formulation trends, emerging ingredient science, and ingredient marketing trends. And she is the Editor of Beauty Insights, a weekly newsletter of relevance to cosmetic chemists, brand leaders, executive leadership, purchasing managers, marketing pros, and more.

As a public speaker, Deanna addresses company teams, higher-education classrooms, and event audiences. She’s spoken at Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, in-cosmetics global, MakeUp in Los Angeles, NYSCC Suppliers Day, the Anti-Ageing Skin Care Conference, the International Cosmetics Innovation Conference, Cosmoprof North America, the AIRS International Conference on Genomics & Microbiomics, and many others.

Deanna consults for supply-side companies on matters of content, communications, and positioning, as well as sharing specialized knowledge and industry-specific expert advice.

Deanna Utroske


Beauty Industry Thought Leader

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